Emergency News

An update on dredging at The Entrance
Council is working on the next phase of the 2020 dredging program following initial works completed recently under the advice and guidance of expert coastal engineers engaged by Council.
Approximately 5,000 cubic metres of sand from the eastern reaches of The Entrance channel was removed and used to repair eroded banks on along Marine Parade. The works form the first ‘on ground’ activities of the 2020 dredging program.
The embankment along Marine Parade suffered significant erosion in the February storm event. Since then Council staff have been closely monitoring the channel and working with expert coastal engineers and NSW Government authorities to ensure Council was prepared for this important work.
The repair of this foreshore will improve the safety of the beach area for the broader public and protect nearby infrastructure such as Council’s lifeguard tower.
The works were also designed to discourage further out flow from the channel along the southern side and sustain the current flow of water through the northern channel for a longer period of time.
Other works recently completed as part of the 2020 dredging program include:
- Technical surveys of the channel and the surrounding beaches, including an underwater survey of the channel bed and an aerial survey of the sand spit and coastline using drone and laser technology.
- Meetings with industry experts and multiple state government agencies to gain specialist advice on the dredging program. This includes the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) who are providing advice on meeting our regulatory requirements.
- Investigations underway into other activities that may be implemented under the dredging program to manage The Entrance channel area in the shorter term.
- Drafting of tender documents for a comprehensive dredging program.
The Entrance Channel is a dynamic coastal environment, the widening and narrowing of the channel is a natural process.
More than 143,000m3 of sand was naturally removed from the channel during the flood event - about the same volume that was removed over the past three dredging programs combined.
Despite this, Council’s monitoring indicates significant changes in the movement of sand at The Entrance with the sandspit that separates the ocean from the estuary already beginning to grow in size. The recent works are designed to concentrate tidal flows through the northern channel and sustain an open conditions for a longer period of time.
5 years ago
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